God gives each us of time and talent that we are called to share with our community. Some of us are also given financial resources to help spread the love of Christ to and with the world. We invite you to become part of the work of St. John's in the community by making a financial gift.
While in-person services are limited due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis will absorb all payment processing fees for gifts to congregations. Every dollar you give will be used to fund on-the-ground ministry in the congregation you select. Thank you for your generous gift.
Volunteers are the backbone of St. John's. We can do what we do because of people offering their time and talent in a variety of ways when we worship together or when we gather for education, outreach, host community groups or funeral receptions. If you have an interest in being part of the fabric of St. John's, we invite you to find an area of interest and let us know you'd like to join us.
Reaching out to the community, near and far, is integral to who God is calling each of us to be in response to God’s love for us. St. John’s collectively and individually gives to our community in a variety of efforts, we welcome your participation to support our various outreach programs.
In order to continue our mission, St. John's relies on financial contributions. If you are inspired by the work we are doing, we hope you'll consider making a gift to us as you are able. God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7), and no gift is too small! Every single gift is used to glorify God and to love our neighbors. Thank you for considering being a part of our mission!