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"Many hands make light work!"


Acolytes assist the priest in worship. They also light candles and carry the cross in the procession at the beginning and end of the service. The Crucifer assists the priest in setting the table for Eucharist​ and carries the intinction cup.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild members set up the altar for communion. They also care for the linens and priest’s vestments.​


The Choir sings at the 10:30am service on Sundays, September through May and on Christmas Eve. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings at 9am. All who enjoy “making a joyful noise unto the Lord” are welcome.

Christian Education Committee

The Christian Education Committee has the role of leading and facilitating individual Christian formation through Sunday forums held between the two services and other educational activities. This committee works with the priest and parishioners to develop, coordinate, and maintain high quality programs which embody the theology of the Episcopal Church and the outreach spirit of St. John’s. Formation includes all activities on the time-proven principles of Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience. The Christian Education Committee welcomes new ideas as well as new committee members. 

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee consists of the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and others as interested. Working through an expense voucher/Vestry approval system, the Treasurer prepares disbursement checks and maintains appropriate files which are audited annually per Diocesan requirements. The Treasurer makes a monthly Actual Expense to Budgeted Expense report as well as a detailed Funds Accounting report to the Vestry. The Assistant Treasurer maintains all pledge and giving records and issues confidential quarterly reports to each pledging family. The Finance Committee drafts the budget for discussion and approval of the Vestry. 

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)

LEMs assist during communion with the chalice as well as lead prayers during the service. 


Lectors read the Old and New Testament appointed for the day and lead the congregation in reciting the Psalm at each service. 

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee provides opportunities for formation of people’s lives and faith through engaging corporate worship. The members of the Liturgy Committee assist the priest in working to achieve this mission. The Committee meets quarterly to plan and review the liturgical plans for the upcoming season or special occasions. 

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee works with the priest to identify and meet needs in our local community, diocese, state, nation, and around the world. Suggestions for projects are always welcome and all church members have an open invitation to participate in this committee. 

Parish Life Committee

The Parish Life Committee plans and coordinates activities for the St. John’s family which offers opportunities for members and friends to enjoy fellowship in a variety of settings.​

Pastoral Care Committee

The Pastoral Care Committee provides “in-reach” for members of the congregation, much as the Outreach Committee does for the larger community. Whether there is a need for food, comfort, transportation or time, we try to meet it. There are many ways to contribute. Lay Eucharistic Visitors take Eucharist to those who are unable to attend regular worship. Lay Pastoral Visitors help the priest provide a ministry of presence (not counseling) to those who need a listening ear and comfort. Others sign up to occasionally provide a meal to a church member in need. 

Property Committee

The Property Committee oversees the maintenance of church buildings and grounds. Committee members with a “smattering” of trade and/or gardening skills and tools are appreciated. We try to carry out as many maintenance jobs as possible by utilizing volunteers. 

St. Martha’s (kitchen and receptions)

St. Martha’s is the group that coordinates receptions, dinners and coffee hours. Sunday coffee hour hosts prepare the coffee/tea cart and provide light refreshments before and after the 10:30am service as well as clean up afterwards. 


The Vestry is currently nine elected parishioners who make decisions regarding church business. Vestry members serve three-year terms, rotating three parishioners going on or off each year.

“Many hands make light work” has real meaning for our congregation. Opportunities to serve abound. Please contact learn more about the work that might fit your hands!


We believe that God loves you, no exceptions. We welcome all Sinners, Saints, and Skeptics. You are always welcome at God’s table at St. John’s.


Office Phone: (765) 362-2331


212 S Green Street

P.O. Box 445
Crawfordsville, IN 47933


Office Email:

Priest Email:


Are you thinking about visiting on a future Sunday or being a part of our Church? Help us get to know you better and make you feel more welcome by filling out this form at this link:


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